It's a funny old world, and no mistake.
I like to fill out on line surveys. I don't do them so much because I think my input is vital to the owners of certain cosmetics companies, but more in the questions they ask. Today, I did a survey for YouGov. They asked some very interesting questions, mainly to do with Human Rights. One of the questions was pertaining to 'free' speech. Ie: Do you think that without the Human Rights act I would not have free speech? Well. Fuck me. Free speech eh? Well, Mr YouGov, we do NOT have free speech. As an atheist British White, I have considerably less free speech than say, a Coloured Godbotherer. Funny old thing, their precious religious beleifs in a none existent sky pixie, trumps any rational thought what so ever. To the point that it appears to be acceptable for them to murder anyone who disagrees with them, and yet they become all defensive and, well, precious, if you point out to them that they are basing their lives on a pack of complete and utter cobblers. Sorry, when you die, that's it. Nothing. No one has ever come back irrespective of that bollocks that is the bible. I don't trust what was published in the tabloids yesterday, even though the authors were writing in their own language, supposedly first hand. Let alone something that was passed down word-of-mouth through numerous iterations, language changes and not alone, different perceptions.(Most intentional, I am certain FFS, if I were re translating the bible, it would be more believable and have less sex in it. Oh? You haven't read it then?)