Saturday, 6 April 2013


It has been a puzzle to me for some time, as to why we act so irrationally.
Just because you want something to be true does not and can not make it so. It is irrelevant how much you desire it. All religions 'promise' an afterlife. Sorry, much as I would like that to be true, I know it cannot be so. They promise many things that are, if a moment's thought is put into it, blatantly untrue.

Sadly, I read the bible (all of it) and was hugely disappointed. If  I tried , I could come up with something more believable than that complete pile of tripe. At least, the multitude of authors are anonymous and cannot be cited for their blatant stupidity/cupidity. Other, er, texts, that are attributed to single authors  really are complete and utter tripe. FFS no peer review? I wonder why? Not because there are no peers, just fuckwits with sharp knives that have their brand of bigotry supported in writing. There are, bar far, more compelling works of fiction, and yet a certain class of moron wants, indeed needs, to believe in this narrow bigotry.

Imagine if you will; the bible/koran/talmud/ buddhavacana, etc, being posted online today. You wouldn't give any of them more than a couple of minutes of your time. Their absolute stupidity is beyond doubt. And yet, because they are old they gain credence. In the same breath, do you believe what is written in our tabloid press? Or any of the major media outlets? Stories, that were written yesterday? Of course you should not, not without cross checking stories at least. And even then healthy scepticism is useful, especially when the stories are opinion based. Opinions are not facts. Wants are not truths. This blog is opinion based, My opinion, I don't claim to be right, what I do claim is for you to think, and make your own decisions, not from some irrelevant ancient text that allows certain privileges to certain people (not You, by the way)  Rogering choirboys is not acceptable, Mistreating women is not acceptable, I don't care what your you think stupid book says. You must look over the front and see what is there, not what you want to see, or what you have been told to see.

I want my Father to be alive. He died when I was 18, and he is still dead. I cannot change that no matter what I want. I do not know what you want, but I do know that, want and need, are not the same.

Religions are a waste of time and energy and are only exist for a tiny, pointless, minority to dupe,abuse and oppress the rest of you. If you think you have a mind, look over the front and see.