Saturday, 7 July 2012

War on drugs.

    Apparently, there has been a war on drugs. Well, it doesn't seem to be very effective does it? Are there any winners? No. Losers? Yes.

    Our 'leaders' have no idea what 'recreational' pharmaceuticals do to the average (sub human, easily led) person. They, our 'leaders' can afford the finest snort and the finest medical care that our money can provide. Every one else is stuck with an NHS overloaded with druggies, self inflicted wounds, and alcoholics. Try taking your youngest daughter to A&E on a Monday evening. (fortunately it was just a sprain). The good news was the waiting fuckwit family all smoked, so they were outside, even the youngest, about 13, was tabbing away. The oldest, who looked to be in her 80's, though I suspect she was only in her 50's, was off her head on some drug or other. She appeared to be the reason they were all there.

Anyway, back to the main thread.
     Drugs. Well, I have to admit to a tad of hypocrisy at this juncture, I suspect I am a borderline alcoholic. I like to drink alcohol, and I used to smoke tobacco. Since I stopped smoking, I have developed a hatred for the stench of tobacco. On the other hand, I have never used any other drugs. Nor would I be tempted. The thought of loosing control permanently, has no appeal to me. It's bad enough having incompetent politicians without a rebellious brain.
    To me, there seems to be a 'black and white' (other skin tones are available) with drugs. Ok, there is a bit of a grey when it comes to a medical matters, but when it comes to 'recreational' matters, it seems to be clear. Don't. Fucking your brain up is, of course, your prerogative, until such time as you damage someone else, either by your action, or worse inaction. Remember, whoever you are, there are people who care for you, there are people who depend on you. You are responsible to those persons.
   There are parasites out there that care naught for you or yours. They want your bodies, or money, preferably the latter, as it is more easily negotiable. Users are losers.

   So, what to do? As far as I can see, there are two courses:
   Legalise all 'recreational' drugs. Make them available from Boots, Newmark, Loyds, etc. Tax them the same as fuel, tobacco, alcohol. Regulate until their eyes water. Ensure that all supplies are pure and sold at prices that any person can afford. Remove the 'special' cachet, and make them naff and boring.
   Make any illegal drug dealing/use a capital offence with immediate execution. No appeal.

   Both methods would take huge political bravery. Either will work in the long term, neither will be cheaper than the other, but either will be cheaper in monetary, and in humanitarian, terms than the current lack of method.

Either method would  remove the power from many criminals. Ok, we will still be stuck with the elected ones, but I didn't expect perfection. Just some protection for the terminally thick and gullible.

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