Well, I for one hate all, yes hate all, spectator 'sports' . I honestly do not give a single solitary damn about the current meeja fest.. I don't like the fact that so much public money was spent so pointlessly. I hate the fact that so many take it as read that because they like something, so does everyone else. All that money pissed away on what is in reality a big party. Ok whatever floats your boat, but don't come to me with your hangover. I would have preferred perhaps; fighting cancer, or maybe Alzheimer's disease, third world poverty, HIV, something useful like nuclear fusion. But no, it has to be on sport , so damned frivolous.
Don't get me wrong, if you like to kick a ball about (for example), fine, it's good for you to get exercise, but if you want funds for kit, say, dig into your own pockets, form a club. The public purse should not be used to pay for sport. I want my money to go to those who actually deserve it. As far as I can see, the most pointless people on the planet are professional 'sports persons', professional god botherers, and politicians. If the whole lot were shot, no one would really notice. Well, maybe their NoK, but no one else.
On a similar vein, I notice that certain companies are 'sponsoring' the current crap going on in London. These companies are not privately owned, but are owned by us TAX payers. Ie; you and me. Whether we want to or not, our cash is being wasted on something we did not choose. For example; Lloyds are giving our money away sponsoring something I would be embarrassed to be involved with. I have had my money saved with this bunch of shysters for years, they then fuck up so monstrously and have to be bailed out, not only by me, as a customer, but by you and me as a taxpayers. And for some reason, it's ok for them to give OUR money away? Well Mr Lloyds. Goodbye, I will be taking my money else where. Maybe the 'Bank of Dave' is a better bet.
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