Friday 9 November 2012

A list

Well blow me down. Phillip Schofield gave the PM a list of supposed paedophiles. A list gleaned from that most reliable of  source: The internet. Almost as reliable as the tabloid media.
 Now just imagine, your name is on that list. Not you, but some other bloke with the same name. Now, he and you are innocent. (in law at least, until proven guilty) But your name is on the list. In Stalin's Russia, or Hitler's Germany, a name on a list could spell a long spell in the gulag, or worse. Here, you have more to fear from the ill educated lack wits who cannot tell the difference between paedophiles and paediatrics. Even worse, even if only one person so named is proven guilty of something, then all the others will be cheerfully tarred with the same brush. Just because their names appeared on the same bit of paper.

This puts it so much better than I do...

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