Friday, 9 September 2011


It's funny, I have always been a bit ambivalent about Fridays. Though to be honest, I prefer them to Sundays. At least when you get up on Friday, the weekend is 'just around the corner'. Now that sort of statement always bothers me. It's a like; 'In the long run', 'at the end of the day', etc. Place holders that waste time and mean nothing. For those that haven't worked it out, this is the long run. The only one you'll get. (that you will be aware of).
 Back to Friday. I prefer the anticipation of the weekend more than the actuality. I mean, who wants to go to Tesco every Saturday? Sunday is usually filled with all the things that need to be fixed for Monday ('cos on Friday, I couldn't be bothered) plus anything else that has come up, ie: The things that break on a Saturday. Last week, the Toilet decided not to be one. A trip to Wikes (other DIY emporia are available) and some English Pounds later and a LOT of swearing, we now have a loo that flushes at the push of a button. Unfortunately, in the mean time the living room ceiling got a tad soggy,. Still and all, no one died. And the loo carpet is spotless. (Having spent a whole week outside (in the rain)).

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