Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Down the tubes.

I was going to have a rant.
   Lackwits dropping objects from bridges onto passing vehicles. What the hell do they think they are doing? Sooner or later someone is going to die. In the meantime, the culprits, even if caught, will not get any meaningful punishment. The hand wringers and appeasers will blame everyone other than themselves for the weakening moral standards of this country. No one takes responsibility for their actions. Nanny state forbids it, and yet Nanny state cannot enforce old sensible laws. No leadership, no leaders.
  But I am not going to rant about that.
  The euro is going down the tubes. Well, now that is a surprise. After all, the sole reason for keeping the euro is for Germany to finally win a war in Europe. Angela Merkel is determined to make France, again, capitulate to Germany's wishes. And this time, the likelihood is that she will. And again Europe will need to be rescued by someone on the outside. Only this time there isn't anyone. We have enough problems of out own, and need to be embroiled less than we are. I would like to tell Brussels to sod off and stick their stupid regulations where the sun don't shine. I would rescind the 'Human' rights act with immediate effect. I would introduce a Citizens rights act in its place. Those that pay into our society would have rights. Those that do not, well, best they keep their noses very clean.
   Ok, I ranted. Sorry.

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