Tuesday, 24 January 2012


   Somebody thought that Tuesday needed washing. It's been widdling it down all day. Now it's foggy. Now for you thickies out there, driving with your fog lights on in the dark; Turn the damned things OFF. If you don't know why you shouldn't use them at night, you really shouldn't be allowed to drive at any time.
   Big story today seems to be the proposed changes to the Welfare System. It transpires that some 'families' are receiving in excess of £30,000 per year. This is more that me and the Boss bring in, and nearly as much as our daughters would spend if we let them. Now it really puzzles me, claims are made that it will hurt children and the disabled. Firstly, no one will wilfully withhold support for the genuinely disabled. And I doubt for a minute that any genuine disabled persons will mind being asked to prove their disability. Obviously autism and similar disability must be taken into account. As for hurting children, I suppose them not getting the latest iPad, Nintendo, and what have you, and watching/playing them on a 56" 3D TV will be a bit of a wrench. It 'll be worse for those parents that think that the child benefits are for their fags, drugs and booze. I am thoroughly fed up of paying for parasites who's only occupation seems to be to breed more and more.

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