Saturday, 14 April 2012


There's been another stabbing. The victim has died. Foreigners killing each other again. They come here to avoid 'persecution', usually 'persecution' from their own country's police force, (apparently, it's illegal to sell drugs, run prostitution rings in their own countries, but ok here), so to avoid 'persecution' from their own legally appointed officers, they come here. They know if they use the 'persecution' card, they will be able to claim all sorts of things that we, as fully paid up citizens, could never claim. They also can play the 'ethnic' card; 'No speaky inglish' when it suits them. This makes the human rights people immediately take their side.They can do NO wrong. Some how, they have become victims. Except they are not. They are more cynical than our politicians, even more cynical than religious leaders.
For the life of me, I cannot understand why we tolerate a fraction of what we do. I now that we British have always supported the underdog, and been proud of our idea of 'fair play'. But it's time that we defended these actions by not tolerating the abuse of them.


  1. Hi Tony, I do agree with you, to a point, you only have to view Crime Watch to see that a high proportion of offenders are from 'Ethnic Minority' groups. Firstly I am in no way racist, and think a cosmopolitan society enriches a country, bringing new ideas and skills and a diversity that should be welcomed. However I think successive Governments have made huge mistakes not just the governments here in Britain but in a good few European Countries.
    They have bent over backwards to accommodate immigrants, when surely the opposite should be the norm, and it's the immigrants who should be the ones doing everything to become useful and good citizens of the country of their choice.
    Making it the Law that all immigrants should learn to speak English would be a start....I think that most British people who emigrate to other countries do try to lean that countries language....and its not unreasonable to expect someone coming here to do likewise.

  2. Hi Jen, you have a good point there, about bending over backwards to accommodate immigrants. In many countries, immigrants have to bend over backwards just to survive. Thinking of such places as Saudia,(as an extreme example) you comply with their rules, or... And yet, if they come here, our laws are flouted with absolute impunity. I am not sure about forcing immigrants to speak English, however, if they don't and need an interpreter, they must either find their own or pay for one provided. If they suddenly don't speak English, they are immediately deported to a country who's language they do speak.

    Now I have to be honest, it turns out the murder wasn't foreign nationals this time, just home spawned scrotes. The first reports were a bit garbled. However, they are foreigners to decent behavior, so I suppose one less is a sort of result.
