I hate religions. All religions. Without favour. For example; what happens to you when you die? Well, the really honest answer is: Nobody knows. Not a priest or shaman, not a medium or necromancer. No one.
I admit I like the idea of reincarnation, but I am sure it doesn't happen. I suspect, as far as the mind goes, at death, you just stop. Whether you are aware of it or not is irrelevant, because you will not remember it. Some people may say "What about the people who report 'near death' experiences." Well, I have. And to be honest I have had better and, bar far, more realistic dreams too. Anything to do with the human mind is fraught with miss-interpretation, or deliberate manipulation to suit someone's current theory.
In the past anyone could claim to have singular access to a supreme being. All they needed to do was to spout some incomprehensible gobbledygook, convince the gullible and uneducated ( and made to stay gullible and uneducated ) masses, and they gain control. For millennia. Feudal lords loved this, they may not have been the strongest, but hand in hand with their 'church' they stayed on top, and allowed the their clerics all the choirboys they wanted. Their justification;- It is written in a book. Well blow me down, anyone with half a brain cell wouldn't believe what is written in the 'Sun' (other tabloid pap is, unfortunately, available) yesterday. Let alone something that was passed down by word of mouth, mistranslated (accidentally, but mostly, deliberately to suit the 'author's' belief), over many hundred years.
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