One has to wonder what the all powerful, omniscient creator is doing this week? A bunch of layabout wasters, most of whom rely on the tax paying workers have prevented access to His house. Now doesn't it strike you as odd, either the protesters are correct, or the god botherers are. So either; He doesn't give a stuff for the botherers, or he couldn't care about the protesters. Or more likely, he doesn't exist. And never did.
Still and all, I suppose those of us who work can have the warm glow knowing, that not only do we pay for our politicians, we pay for the protester's benefits too.
Now for one, I am absolutely pig sick of spongers. Ok, there are many that have no choice but to live on benefits. The genuinely disabled for a start. However, there are many that are more able bodied than me, and probably more mentally stable too. They know more about the welfare system than they know about working. In a conversation today, we realised that none of us knew how to claim anything. We have all worked and paid taxes all our lives, and we have no idea how to make a basic claim if we suddenly found ourselves jobless. It makes me wonder how many OAPs don't get things they deserve because they don't know what they are entitled to. And yet people, who's first language isn't English, come here with a deep knowledge of what they can claim!Then they wander around the town pissed swearing (probably, I don't speak Polish, and they know it (other scum, including home grown, are available)) And when I say pissed, I mean urinating wherever they like. I would like to see benefits paid in non transferable scrip, only valid for; food, accommodation, power and the like. Not beer or fags.
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